I was having this little chat with a very dear friend yesterday and realised all the common grounds we've been treading. But what caught my attention the most, is the fact that, nearly all of us 'deal' with a 'friend' who goes ahead and flirts with our significant other irrespective of whether you are married, engaged, just dating or whatever. They will even forget their own flame, i.e., if they have only one, and will giggle away as if they are the most amazing thing to have happened on the face of the Earth. You obviously know the worst part, -they are either your best friend or at least belong to your close group of friends or even worse, they could even be your sibling. These 'FRIOS', as I call them, plainly beacause "FRENEMY' doesn't sound appealing to me, are 'Friends who are actually FOES' and trust me on this, they surely have no respect for you. Though this friend that I was chatting with did manage to quiet nicely drive away her frio, I couldn't help myself from being reminded about my frio who shamelessly went ahead and flirted right in front of me. Yes, I have been avoiding her and we aren't even really on talking terms but it did hurt to see such a close friend throwing herself all over him right there. I, at first, saw it as harmless flirting and in fact was blaming myself for over reacting and had even tried reasoning with my man, that he 'misunderstood' her when he saw what she was up to and asked me to tell her to control her slutty ways. I know, back then, somewhere at the back of my mind, I certainly realised what she intended, but was probably scared about losing our friendship or being termed 'over protective', when I have always tried to establish that, though having seen how extra marital affairs of important people in our lives can tear down families, I have sculpted myself to be a very secure and stable woman and have gone to great lengths to prove this true. Yeah Yeah, I understand what a big blunder I was infact making and I really loathe the fact that I let her get away with the crap unhurt and not insulted! Anyway, in such situations, like a very dear aunt of mine says,
"Never mind the chick peas..as long as your man doesn't lose his beans !!"
No doubt, whenever we come across articles or incidents like this, we tend to think,"Oh! That's one possessive being!" but deep inside we all have gone through it. And the worst part is when friends of your spouse start teasing the two right in front of you. Though you may interpret it as a light hearted joke, baby, let me remind you, most of the love stories started off as jokes, and this 'joke' will very soon end up your relation looking like the biggest joke!! In this scenario, these so called 'friends/brothers/sisters or whatever' will target you as being possessive and over controlling!
Dear, at that moment, God forbid, your spouse loses his/her marbles, blushes and agrees with them, know that, it's time for you to start dusting your suitcases cause you're, more than probably, not going to be around for long.
I've always believed that in such scenarios, it's your frio who's to blame. They do not respect your relation with your spouse which every person who calls themselves your 'friend' should,yes, it's a rule and there are no exceptions to it except for ill-mannered people. In the few cases where respecting this relation proves to be a massive task, they should at least have respect for the bond you both share. In any case, don't despair, stand up to them and clearly state what you have to. Fling the shit back to right where it came from and with greater speed! Again, like the same aunt of mine says:
"..and when it comes to your spouse, oh-my, nothing should stop you!!"
P.S.: Heyy! Before you fling it back, note that your spouse isn't getting over friendly with this frio and ensure that you aren't going to face the 'three in the marriage' news. In that case, remember my voice in your head "YOU DESERVE BETTER!"
But preceding your reaction, know when things are getting out of hand and have crossed the line of decency long back. If you think it has, the alarm's rung! Get ready to play dirt! And don't you dare think you can't..everyone can and you surely are in the 'Everyone'. And you know what the surprising thing here is, you need to hang this 'NO ENTRY' board on the door of your house for those 'friends' who were teasing your spouse with your frio. They need to be kept at not one, but at least a hundred arms' length away because guess what..(?) they oh so obviously don't respect your relationship either!
Remember, that members of both the sexes on the planet face this situation but if your significant other is basking in the pleasure of having gained someone's unwanted affection or showing off, it's high time you need to consult a counsellor!! LOL! And God forbid, if they begin to threat that they'll walk away hand in hand with your Frio, trust me, it's time to let go. Don't waste yourself fighting for crap.
"Never mind the chick peas..as long as your man doesn't lose his beans !!"
No doubt, whenever we come across articles or incidents like this, we tend to think,"Oh! That's one possessive being!" but deep inside we all have gone through it. And the worst part is when friends of your spouse start teasing the two right in front of you. Though you may interpret it as a light hearted joke, baby, let me remind you, most of the love stories started off as jokes, and this 'joke' will very soon end up your relation looking like the biggest joke!! In this scenario, these so called 'friends/brothers/sisters or whatever' will target you as being possessive and over controlling!
Dear, at that moment, God forbid, your spouse loses his/her marbles, blushes and agrees with them, know that, it's time for you to start dusting your suitcases cause you're, more than probably, not going to be around for long.
I've always believed that in such scenarios, it's your frio who's to blame. They do not respect your relation with your spouse which every person who calls themselves your 'friend' should,yes, it's a rule and there are no exceptions to it except for ill-mannered people. In the few cases where respecting this relation proves to be a massive task, they should at least have respect for the bond you both share. In any case, don't despair, stand up to them and clearly state what you have to. Fling the shit back to right where it came from and with greater speed! Again, like the same aunt of mine says:
"..and when it comes to your spouse, oh-my, nothing should stop you!!"
P.S.: Heyy! Before you fling it back, note that your spouse isn't getting over friendly with this frio and ensure that you aren't going to face the 'three in the marriage' news. In that case, remember my voice in your head "YOU DESERVE BETTER!"
But preceding your reaction, know when things are getting out of hand and have crossed the line of decency long back. If you think it has, the alarm's rung! Get ready to play dirt! And don't you dare think you can't..everyone can and you surely are in the 'Everyone'. And you know what the surprising thing here is, you need to hang this 'NO ENTRY' board on the door of your house for those 'friends' who were teasing your spouse with your frio. They need to be kept at not one, but at least a hundred arms' length away because guess what..(?) they oh so obviously don't respect your relationship either!